20th IBD Annual General Meeting

The 20th AGM of the Institute of Brewing & Distilling will be held on Tuesday, 10th September at 10am (BST), via Zoom.

To vote live on the day, please register your attendance here or click the button below.

If you prefer to vote in advance, Mi-Voice, the same electoral service we used previously, will be sending you information about how to do it by proxy. Please save and in your contacts to ensure that you receive all our communications in your inbox.

Notice of Annual General Meeting

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (the meeting) of The Institute of Brewing & Distilling (the Charity) will be held online on Zoom on 10th September (Tuesday) at 10am.  You will soon receive information about how to register and vote via Mi-voice, the same service we used last year for the AGM. 

  • As you know, the Royal Charter was sealed earlier this year and the CIBD has now been registered with the Charity Commission in England. We are working towards fully establishing the new organisation. 
  • Whilst the company took steps to adopt new articles of association in 2016 certain aspects of the required administration was not implemented and to ensure that the Charity is on a clear footing moving into the final stages of the transfer to the Chartered Institute of Brewers & Distillers, the Board are now proposing that the Charity adopts new articles of association. These articles of association are based on the 2016 articles of association with the objects, benefits and dissolution provisions from the 2014 articles of association. 

At the meeting, you will be asked to consider and vote on the resolutions below. Resolution 1 will be proposed as a special resolution. All other Resolutions will be proposed as ordinary resolutions. 

1 .THAT the draft articles of association produced to the meeting and, for the purposes of identification marked ‘A’, be adopted as the new articles of association of the Charity in substitution for, and to the exclusion of, the Charity’s existing articles of association. 

2. To confirm the Minutes of the Nineteenth (19th) Annual Meeting of the Institute of Brewing & Distilling held on 12th September 2023  

3. To receive and approve the Financial Statements and Annual Reports of the Trustees and Auditors for the year ended 31st December 2023 

4. To re-appoint HaysMacintyre Auditors for IBD for 2024 accounts and to authorise the Trustees to fix their remuneration.  

5. To elect Georgina Young as a Trustee  

6. To elect Jaideep Chandrasekharan as a Trustee  

7. To elect Vikram Damodaran as a Trustee  

8. To approve an Annual Membership Subscription increase of £2 for 2025 up to £50 for concessionary membership and an increase of £4 up to £150 for standard membership. Life Membership to remain as fully paid up (£0).

9 .THAT the byelaws produced to the meeting in the form last adopted on 14 June 2022 be confirmed as the current and continuing byelaws of the Charity. 

10 .THAT all decisions of the Directors that would have been valid had the 2016 articles of association been fully adopted by the Charity at the annual general meeting on 5 September 2016 are hereby confirmed and ratified, notwithstanding that such decisions may not have been made in accordance with articles of association actually governing the Charity since 2016. 

11. THAT conditional on obtaining any necessary Charity Commission consents, the proposal to transfer the assets and liabilities of the Charity to the Chartered Institute of Brewers and Distillers as a going concern be approved (the Transfer). 

12. THAT the Directors of the Charity be authorised to take such further steps and executed such documents on such terms as they consider to be in the best interest of the Charity and necessary to complete the Transfer. 

13. THAT on completion of the Transfer the Chartered Institute of Brewers and Distillers be appointed as the sole member of the Charity and that all individual memberships of the Charity will cease on the transfer date, having transferred to the Chartered Institute of Brewers and Distillers. 

14. THAT following completion of the Transfer, the Charity be dissolved in such manner as the Directors decide and any remaining assets be transferred to the Chartered Institute of Brewers and Distillers.    

Members’ Questions of the Institute. Close of Meeting. 


By order of the Board 

Will Calvert, Secretary, IBD

How to Register and Vote?

For the 20th IBD Annual General Meeting, we will be using electronic registration and the same voting system used in previous AGMs provided by Mi-Voice.

Your voting instructions will be issued from so please check your inbox and spam/junk folder. Please note the voter code is unique to you, so please do not share it with anyone else. You can request an email re-issue of your voting instructions by visiting

The process is simple:

  • All IBD-eligible members will receive information about the agenda items and previous AGM 2023 minutes.
  • Members will be able to register to attend the meeting on Tuesday, 10th September at 10am (BST) and vote for, against or abstain on the resolutions.
    • The deadline to register to attend the Zoom meeting is at
      10.00 (BST) (09:00 UTC) on Monday, 9 September.
  • If you aren’t able to attend on that date, you will be able to submit your vote online in advance by proxy*.
    • The advance proxy voting will close at 23:59 on Sunday 8th September 2024.
  • Eligible members unable to vote online can request a proxy vote with the items to vote for. It should be completed and returned to Proxy Vote at 44A Curlew Street, London, SE1 2ND or sent by email to, by the 8th of September 2024 at 10.00 (BST).
  • In the absence of a particular individual known to be attending the meeting, the member may appoint the President as his/her proxy. You can download the paper proxy request here.

*Advance by proxy vote allows you to cast your vote and make the President your proxy representative at the AGM. 

If you need any help using the voting site, please contact Mi-Voice, who are an independent organisation supporting IBD with this process. You can contact them at or by calling +44 (0)23 8076 3987. 

IBD AGM Key Documents

2023 IBD Annual General Meeting Minutes
2023 IBD Annual General Meeting Minutes
Auditors Reappointment
Auditors Reappointment
2023 Annual Report
2023 Annual Report
CIBD Membership Subscription Prices
CIBD Membership Subscription Prices
2025 Subscription Pricing
2025 Subscription Pricing
Articles of Association
Articles of Association
Summary of Proposed Changes to the Articles
Summary of Proposed Changes to the Articles
IBD Byelaws
IBD Byelaws

Previous AGMs